So I just got news about gazpacho. I’m not really concerned about his ban. It’s the fact that you would go on to his server, and grief it. That’s not good at all.
It reflects badly on us here at TBU. We are not a Griefing server. There was no reason for you guys to do that at all. We the admins will remove the bad
apples from our server.

I’m touched that you think of us so well that you would stand up for us, but that’s not the way to handle it. Please from now on let the admins take care of these problems.
Or you may be demoted or banned from the server. We would not want to do this so please. Never do it again. If you don’t like a person, Sounds simple but stay away from them.
If they are doing something that bothers you let an admin know. Ok?

If we ever catch anyone doing this again. They can and will be demoted. This will be updated in the rules page.
