
The TBU DayZ Epoch Private hive has been updated.

Arma Version: 1.63.112555
Epoch Version:

We have also gone back to the original database with the Chern map, so all your old stuff that you had on that map is still there.

Also, due to this update, there are no more bandit spawns at this time. The mod that ran this was not compatible with the current Epoch Version. We will look at adding this back in the near future as it updates.

The server is Password Protected, and invite only. All TBU Members are all automatically allowed in, and just need to ask a admin for the password.



Metroidfighter :Update: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:23 am
AI mods, and missions

The server has been updated with all the AI mods, and missions.
I’ve turned down how many AI’s will spawn in certain areas.
Patrols should be working, including one air patrol!

For what admins on the server.
Do not tp players to you. There are a few bugs with admin tools.
Use god mode when using any tools!

Known issues so far.
Teleport can be fussy.
Use admin mode before tp!
Perma spawning vehicles is broken. Works when it wants too.

Updates will come when the mods are fixed. So the server may go down. With notice.

Also the server at this time will not auto restart if Stopped. Ask Eldarstorm or Metroidfighter to start the system.
I am working on the solution just ran out of time for today.

As All ways Thank you for Being apart of TBU!


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