Probably going to start this Lets Play back up.
Will be starting it over though, but may change the format up.
The original format is streamed with no editing. Basically taking the "long way" to many places. I generally try to play this character realistically, so many of my mods that I run reflect on that. Needing water, food, weather issues, cold, etc...
The thing I am debating about changing is weather or not to live stream the whole thing, or record/edit it then place it on Youtube.
The disadvantage with the recording bit would be time involved with the video editing (rather rusty since its been a few years).
I would like to do both, but recording quality video and streaming at the same time is difficult since FRAPS and ORB dont like to work well together. And the recording settings on ORB are the same when your streaming, so I would loose quality that way as well.
The only option I have for this would be purchasing Bandicam for 39 dollars

So main question. Livestream version yes/no?
Also, the hitbox streams will be stored so you will be able to view previous streams.