Owner: The ones who run the server, and maintain it. This is the highest rank. All access Granted.
Admin: They moderate the server. They are the main policing system. They have Very High level of control.
Mods: They are Admins in training. They have basic admin functions. Advance level of control
Member+: Very trusted players. The highest a none admin can be. Mid level control.
Member: Trusted players brought in by a recommendation by a trusted player. Low level of control.
Guest: As it says. You are a guest. Just new, or untrusted, Doesn't mean we don't like you. Just means we don't trust you yet. Gain the trust of some one to rank up. Lowest powers.
RO: Retired Owner. This is a Old Owner. No longer in the loop. Not a Admin, but retains the full power of owner. This is a rare rank. Highest level of Rank besides Owner. Be warned. RO can Ban if they must.
This area Can be updated at any time. Please check back in from time to time. Thank you.